Saturday, January 2, 2010

“Earthquakes and volcanoes...”

We’ve spent all day walking around the streets of Antigua, looking at the ruins and the buildings. The doors are constructed from thick slabs of wood ornately adorned with wrought iron and brass knockers shaped as animals and faces, and impregnated with thick metal spikes. You get the feeling that the town is trying to protect itself from some hideous monsters that come out each night, or are awaiting the wrath of the Mayans that they ousted so long ago. At any rate, we’re prepared for invasion. The ruins we visited today were very interesting. Being situated next to a number of volcanoes may not be the best town planning, but it sure makes for some interesting history and architecture.

This town used to be the capitol city of all of Central America for 233 years. Originally founded in 1543, a large earthquake in 1773 destroyed many of the original buildings, and the capitol was then transferred to Guatemala City. Walking through the old ruins makes you wonder about all of the history that occurred in these places and what people were doing here for all those years. After touring the buildings, we strolled through the cobblestone streets and walked through the market. A cornucopia of vegetables and fruits were all displayed in baskets at every stall. There seems to be a lack of avocados however, which has disappointed Denielle, after reading that the townspeople are often referred to as “green bellies” for all the avocados that they eat. The volcanoes seem to be absent as well, as overcast skies both days have prevented us from seeing the peaks, let alone any liquid hot magma action.

Tomorrow we leave for the Honduras border, and the next day we will cross to the town of Copan to see some ancient Mayan ruins.


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